Category Archives: Adventures

52 dates // 22

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // Cozying up with a good book and a snack.

Lately, since we have so little, we’ve really been working to take advantage of our off-time to relax and enjoy the moment… and rather than just zone out in front of the tv, we’ve been loving the chance to grab a good book and take turns reading chapters out loud.

As I mentioned last week, we’ve both been meaning to get into the Game of Thrones books for a while, and reading together is so much more fun than just moving along at our own pace.

Of course we’ve been watching the show (and if you have too, don’t even talk to me about last night, I’m still so upset…) so, so far, the story isn’t much of a surprise, but it’s been fun to dig a little deeper together and stop to talk and ask each other questions… or dream up elaborate theories about how it’s all going to turn out. As if we could ever guess.

(Although it would be nice if one day this damn story would stop breaking my heart… you know, for a while. Is next week going to be even worse? Ugh I can’t even stop talking about it myself…)

Do you ever read to each other? We never had until now, and it’s so amazing!

P.S. See the rest of our 52 dates series here!


52 dates // 21

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // Memorial Day at the beach

This Monday we packed up the car for a quick day trip to the beach. The drive is only about 3 hours each way, but lately life has been so busy that we’ve found it hard to make it out — so we knew just what we wanted to do with our holiday.

The weather was perfect, the beach was beautiful, and to make it all just that much better, on the way down we downloaded a book we’ve both been meaning to start (okay it’s Game of Thrones, what can I say?) and took turns reading chapters to each other while we lazed in the sun. It was just the relaxing holiday we both needed.

Now I’m happy to be back so we can catch up! Tell me, did you do anything special to celebrate?

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52 dates // 20

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // A glass of prosecco and a very, very long nap.

After a marathon evening of baking and a fantastic first Sunday at the market, Mark and I celebrated with a bottle of prosecco given to us by the sweetest friends, then laid down for what was meant to be a quick catch-up of a nap…

We woke up the next morning.

Okay so marathon might even be an understatement, Saturday was a really long night… we’re still working on getting a system down for pumping out loads of pies in a little home kitchen, and we had a lot of last-minute prep to do for our first day, but the good news is that now I think we should be set. Our signs are painted, our labels are printed, and we learned a ton that should help us move much faster next week.

And hey, after oh, say 14 hours of sleep, I don’t remember the last time I felt so rested… what’s better than that?

Happy Monday! Thank you all so so much for your support on our announcement last week, we’re so excited to be able to share our journey and our dreams with all of you.

Now tell me — how was your weekend?


52 dates // 19

// 52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // Mother’s Day dinner at the Wine Kitchen.
The food // Tuna tartar tacos, fresh herb rolls, fried green tomatoes, cheesesteak fries and a french dip sandwich (we shared a little bit of it all).
The wine // A bottle of Sledgehammer Cabernet, Peter Gabriel would be proud.

As a stepmom, I’m never quite sure what to do with Mother’s Day. It’s not the same kind of huge celebration, but it’s certainly not nothing, either, and while I don’t feel like I can demand any big hoopla, it really is nice to be recognized in some small way.

Luckily, Mark always knows just what to do to make me feel special. This year, even though with so much going on I was sure we wouldn’t go out, he surprised me with dinner at our favorite place. We sat outside on a night that felt more like summer than spring, made plans for the future, and smiled at how smart that little boy we’re raising is and how big he’s become.

We savored the special occasion, and my awkwardness melted away. We might be a less traditional family, but we’re a strong and happy one too, and I wouldn’t trade what we have for all the traditional days in the world.

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Speaking at Alt SLC

alt slc summer // a thousand threads
About two weeks ago, while devouring a concrete and some new, less-crinkly, fries at Shake Shack after a somewhat disappointing (but totally saved by Shake Shack and also the guy with the comb-over and the awesome pick-up lines) night out, I glanced at my phone, squealed a little, emailed my mom, and then promptly lost my purse… but just for a minute.

Let me back up…

On my phone, in my email, was an invitation to speak at the Altitude Summit this summer in Salt Lake City, and I won’t even pretend I played it cool, as evidenced by the squeal and the email to mom. I also won’t pretend that I talked or thought about anything else the rest of the night… including my sad, lonely little purse that I left on the floor of Shake Shack, just asking to be acquired by someone new while we walked the seven blocks back to our car, traveling exactly six and three quarters before Mark looked at my hands and face-palmed the hell out of us both.

Of course, night in shining armor (and respectable man shoes without all of the heel) that he is, he ran back as fast as he could and, this being the Dupont Circle Shake Shack at 10 o’clock on a Thursday night, found my purse exactly where I’d left it, undisturbed.

Minor panic and entirely pointless almost-lost-my-purse stories aside, what I mean to say is… I was really, really excited. And I still am. The recognition is huge, and such an honor, and such a welcome surprise after a few weeks of feeling sort of discouraged (also a good reminder that those welcome surprises almost always come when you least expect them.)

I’ll share all of the details as I know more, but if any of you are planning to attend this summer (there’s still time to register!) I hope you’ll grab me and say hi! I can’t wait to catch up with everyone in person this June!


52 dates // 18

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
Why // Sheep, wool — clearly, it’s pretty awesome.

Really though, we try to go to the sheep and wool festival every year because it is pretty great, even if it does make me feel like I need to take up knitting… and maybe get a loom.

This weekend was just as restorative as I’d hoped. We spent Saturday browsing and picking out a few new plants at the festival, then curled up under the covers and started (a bit late but hey…) our first season of Breaking Bad.

Sunday we pulled out the grill and gathered with good friends and good food to spend a beautiful warm evening outside. It was just what I needed to reset after so many busy weeks, and left me even more excited for what’s to come.

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52 dates // 17

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // A walk in the park.
Where // Baker Park in downtown Frederick, with coffee from Dublin Roasters.

This weekend was intense. Super busy, a little stressful… so rewarding, but nonetheless, by Sunday afternoon we were in need of a little break. It was a gorgeous day, so we picked up two iced coffees and went for a walk in Baker Park.

We wandered past the park’s pretty outdoor amphitheater (which I usually associate with the coldest of cold Christmas shows that I try my darndest to avoid every year — like the cold weather Scrooge that I am). Everything has turned back to green and, just like the grass that’s been hiding under a thick layer of snow for so long, my poor pale skin was so happy to see the sun, I think I could’ve sat in those bleachers all day.

Tell me, what were you up to this weekend?

To those in the mid-west and south, I hope you and your loved ones stayed safe through the storms.

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52 dates // 16

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // A little drive around northern Virginia.
The places // Tarara Winery, Catoctin Creek Distillery, and Fire Works… because pizza.
The verdict // The lady likes the gin.

After a thoroughly dangerous trip to the Restoration Hardware outlet (extra 40 percent off what?) Mark and I found ourselves with a gorgeous 70 degree day and a choice… go home like responsible adults, get our chores done, and eat a healthy meal… or wander around northern Virginia for a few hours, drink some wine, sip some rye, and stuff our faces with pizza to the tune of some drunk guy at the next table with an overwhelming amount of testosterone (his words // *winning).

We took the long way around, caught each other up, made jokes that were only funny to us… then wandered on home to relax before drifting off to bed.

… because who wants to be a grown up anyway? I’d rather have the gin.

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52 dates // 15

52 dates // a thousand threads
The date // Custard!
The place // Jimmie Cone
The choice // Vanilla with rainbow jimmies for her, chocolate/vanilla swirl with chocolate jimmies for him.

This weekend we saw our first 80 degree days of the year… the perfect spring kind without humidity or thundering rain. On Sunday, we wandered around our beautiful little town, bought some records, ate dinner outside, and took our first trip to Jimmie Cone (a local institution that’s packed from April to October every year).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I just don’t know how I ever lived before there was custard in my life.

And I’m so glad the cold winter is gone…

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Here & there

here & there // a thousand threads
A little wrap-up of our lives these past few months — according to our phones.

Some of these shots came from Instagram, some never made it that far — but I’m surprised at how good a picture of our day to day our phones have managed to record. A little bit of exploring, some cozy days in, Saturday morning breakfasts and signs of spring… it’s all in there. Even though I sometimes wish I could escape the connectivity, I’m thankful that these days we’re able to capture the little bits and pieces of our lives that we might’ve missed before.

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